Child’s Play

I was 3 years old, playing at a neighbor’s house, when—as I recall—Mom entered the house in a not-quite-panicked hurry to drag me home. Apparently, the neighbor called my mom, informing her that her daughter just broke out with chicken pox; my brother and I were surely exposed. Yep. That’s…

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Reading…and READING!

On the whole, I like to read. And I read a great deal. And I have a great deal to read! I don’t have a “to-read-shelf.” I have “to read shelves!” Just ask my wife; she’ll tell you! My day typically begins early with reading—I read the Bible and a…

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Canal vs. South Loop

I wouldn’t necessarily call it a favorite path, but the Hennepin Feeder Canal Trail is frequently used and enjoyed. We access it about a quarter mile from our house, hence the frequent use. The trail is nice because it’s flat and straight—in other words, easy! From the trailhead near our…

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Fractures, Fissures, and Chasms

Late February, several years ago now, my bride and I went for a bike ride on an unusually warm day—well into the upper 50s. Well, that’s warm for February in northwest Illinois. The weather had been like that for several days, so all the snow and ice were gone, and…

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To many, the word isn’t thought of positively, a sort of admission of failure or something. Retreating is something soldiers do when they’re getting whipped, the thinking goes. Like that scene in the movie Gettysburg when the Union army has far outgunned the Confederates, and the ragtag unit of misfit…

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