Who Am I?

I entered vocational ministry fresh out of graduate school in 1982. All but six of those years I’ve served as a senior pastor. Our family has ministered in six different churches in South Carolina, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, and Illinois. Currently, I am the pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Sterling, Illinois, where we’ve served a wonderful congregation since 2002. In 2010, after many years of effort, I at long last received a Doctorate of Pastoral Theology degree.

In addition to giving my life to the pastorate, I thoroughly enjoy being outdoors, especially hiking. In recent years, I’ve taken up backpacking, and have the goal of hiking the 272-mile Long Trail in Vermont. My love for the outdoors has provided inspiration for many of the blog posts on this site, and most of the photographs are from personal adventures.

In 1980, I married my high school sweetheart, Christiane. We have a daughter, a son, three grandchildren, a border-collie-mix dog, and a couple of hermit crabs. And yes, we need a new family portrait to include the latest grandchild!

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