Climb to the Top!

To call Yosemite’s El Capitan a “cliff” is an understatement; it is an almost incomprehensible behemoth, a 3,200-foot wall of granite that rises vertically from a valley. So begins an article on reviewing the National Geographic film documentary Free Solo. I happened upon the film the other evening as…

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Quick to Forget…

Amazing how quickly I can forget something important. Early this morning, I had read Numbers 11-13 and did the appropriate “tsk, tsk” at those ungrateful Israelites. It hadn’t even been two years prior that they were grinding away day after day in abject poverty and humiliating slavery. The oppressive conditions…

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Throw Out Those Plans!

As with much of the country the last few weeks, the winter weather has created a little bit of mayhem in our lives. The drive to work that normally takes 10 minutes may take 15-20. The day’s activities may include some shoveling before or after work. Mundane tasks—like grocery shopping…

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Here We Go Again!

How many times over the past few weeks have you heard maxims that sound like these: “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in…

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Come and Rest….

Prior to 1992, I’d never been to Vermont. To this mostly Midwestern guy, the small northeastern state might as well have been a foreign country, for all I knew of it, which was almost nothing. But in July of that year, I received and accepted the call to pastor First…

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